「世界の感動を日本に。日本の感性を世界へ。」 「世界の感動を日本に。日本の感性を世界へ。」

He works hard all over the world as green maestro MATAEMON pursuing new plants.Taking advantage of his own world-wide network and leverage, he actually goes there to see rare plants to ascertain the value and quality and introduce them to Japan.With all the respect to nature, his unique activity places the most importance on plant “LIFE” and therefore, it is highly reputed by domestic, international specialists and markets. Also, he has been rated as the leading person of plants trade.Now, he is successful as a supplier and a producer of Gardens by the Bay in Singapore which is world famous botanical garden, and his name is becoming known all over the world. Furthermore, He serves as the sole agent and official agent in Japan of foreign famous 6 nurseries. And the representative Maestro of Japan, Yano TEA one of the top class of the garden designer heads the list, the farm producer having prominent skills and the other creators engage many people’s hearts and mind by the Japanese sense of nature and beauty.And we/they transfer the International exchange project with our partners in many other countries for the all over the world. 「世界の感動を日本に。日本の感性を世界へ。」届けるため、まだ見ぬ植物を求め、世界を奔走する「又右衛門」。世界各国に拡がるネットワークと持ち前の行動力を駆使し、希少性の高い植物を求め、自らの足で直接現地に赴き目利きをし、日本に紹介している。植物と大地への尊厳の念を持ち、植物の「生」へのこだわりを第一とする活動スタイルは、国内外の専門家から高く評価され、業界からの信頼も厚く、植物貿易の第一人者と評価される。現在では、世界的に著名な植物園であるガーデンズ・バイ・ザ・ベイ(シンガポール)のサプライヤー、プロデューサーとしても活躍し、世界的にもその名が知られるようになってきた。また、各国を代表するナーセリー六社の日本総代理店・正規代理店をつとめている。さらに、世界トップクラスのガーデンデザイナーである矢野TEAをはじめ、卓越した技術を持つ生産者やクリエイターなど、日本を代表する各分野の匠を結集させ、日本人が持つ自然観と美意識を表現した斬新なデザインや作品を創造し、多くの人を魅了している。そして、各国に拡がるパートナーとの、時代を超え国境を越えた交流プロジェクトを世界に向けて発信している。」


He works hard all over the world as green maestro MATAEMON pursuing new plants. Taking advantage of his own world-wide network and leverage, he actually goes there to see rare plants to ascertain the value and quality and introduce them to Japan. With all the respect to nature, his unique activity places the most importance on plant “LIFE” and therefore, it is highly reputed by domestic, international specialists and markets. Also, he has been rated as the leading person of plants trade. Now, he is successful as a supplier and a producer of Gardens by the Bay in Singapore which is world famous botanical garden, and his name is becoming known all over the world. Furthermore, He serves as the sole agent and official agent in Japan of foreign famous 6 nurseries. And the representative Maestro of Japan, Yano TEA one of the top class of the garden designer heads the list, the farm producer having prominent skills and the other creators engage many people’s hearts and mind by the Japanese sense of nature and beauty. And we/they transfer the International exchange project with our partners in many other countries for the all over the world.






Import Plants