また、パートナーであるナーセリーの1社、STATION CREEK TREE FARMからは、周辺では火災が続いていますが現在のところ全員ケガもなく無事であるという連絡がありました。
“Mataemon offers condolences over bushfires in Australia”
I send my deepest sympathy to all Australians and those affected by the bushfire that have caused the devastating consequences of the ongoing wildfire in parts of Australia today.
I would also like to thank the fire fighters who are working at the front.
I pray for the happiness of the victims, the convergence of the situation as soon as possible, and the reconstruction of the affected area.
I contacted with the embassy for some time and have been informed of the situation.
STATION CREEK TREE FARM, one of our partner nurseries, told us that fires are continuing in the area, but everyone is safe now.
We will continue to work with Australia, think and do what we can do now for everyone living there and for all the plants and animals.
Kanaoka Mataemon the forth and all the staff of Baraen Group